Friday, December 5, 2008

Walls Retained and Beautified

Today was another fun day at the house with lots of visible progress. You'll see above that the forms were taken of the retaining walls. It'll be a couple of weeks before they're backfilled, but at least it's done (and no snow on the ground)! The plumbers (nat gas mostly) and HVAC crews were hard at work. We've got what amounts to a breaker box for the gas lines, which is very nice. The electricians finished up most of their work with the exception of some wiring for the kitchen. Hopefully that'll take place next week and then they'll officially be done. Last but certainly not least we enjoyed immensely the shingles going up every where along the front along with the soffit beneath the porch. Take a little look at the shot of the porch and you'll see it.

1 comment:

Krif said...

Interesting retaining walls. I can't wait to see how it all ends up.