Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Inside Outside

Lots of good dry wall work going on inside - or in today's case it was some of the wettest wall work. They were applying the thickest coats of "mud" to date, and so we're trying to keep things nice and warm overnight so that it will dry by tomorrow. We also were happy at the delivery of the fireplaces. They're in various states of installation, but at least they're here. And almost all of the front and sides of the house are "sided" and work began on the backside today. Next up, raingutters, finishing up on the garage doors, finish carpentry and flooring...


H.G. Thomas said...

Jeff! It looks soo good. I'm thinking you'll be ready for us in march! I know it, I know it!

Jeff said...

Cousin Henri, Thanks for stopping by - we certainly hope it's ready, we really do!