Friday, December 12, 2008

Upsizing to Code

A funny thing happened on the way to the plumbing inspection. Turns out we've been reclassified as a mini-motel. Though I can't promise that your bed will be turned down each night if you come to stay, today we did what we had to to ensure that you have plenty of water in your shower. Another hundred buck to the city, and more work for our plumbers and we now have a larger water main line into the house. This will run to our big water heater (same absolute number of gallons that we'd planned on before but in one more expensive package), and from there we get one bigger line to the first split off. Though it's a pain for the plumbers due to the excess work, and to our pocket book we hope that any of our lodgers in the future will appreciate the efforts.

On a side note (forgive the pun) the west side of the house has siding, soffit and fascia. Cool! Unfortunately with the nice lines up you can now see that the sheathing is very wavy and it's wavering will have to be reigned in by our framers this next week.


Krif said...

Anything for a buck eh? Sheesh! So did the city say that it had to be changed or they wouldn't approve you moving in? When did they decide to tell you that you no longer owned a home, but a mini-motel? We've got a place at the Goats, so we won't need to impose on your motel (any neon lights letting us know if you have vacancy and color tv?) - but if the price is right I might have a bunch of acquantances (I'm sure I spelled that wrong-o-bong-o) take up the offer.

The place looks fabulous (fabuloso in spanish.).

Jeff said...

As they say, "we'll leave the light on for you".

Apparently each shower head installed counts as occupancy for two people (according to the code books). So with the master shower which includes body shower heads the occupancy rockets to 22 in the house (e.g. a motel).

I must say that we really don't encourage two people in the shower at the same time, and certainly won't be having 12 in the master shower at the same time!

Nancy said...

I just want mints.
you failed to mention that the majority of that water is going straight to YOUR room for YOUR MASTERs shower.