Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Make Up Day (or 2 in 1)

Yesterday we didn't provide an entry, but it wasn't for lack of activity. The plumbers continued their work, mostly getting the rough-in drains in place. Our electrician not only came over to talk with Stephanie, but also got his two-man crew started as well! Our roofer showed up and worked to get the shingles finished on the main roof, but not much beyond that. We also did a walk through with the low-voltage contractor by flashlight.

Today the plumbers got the guest shower downstairs installed, and continued the process of bringing all the drains together. The electricians also came by and got some of the can lights installed along with the boxes for most of the second floor (pictured with the drain work). No roof work today though. Our stone mason was supposed to begin work today, but forgot some of his equipment so he'll be back tomorrow. The siding was delivered, as were the HVAC supplies (the big boxes in the garage). The trim for the siding is delayed so it sounds like the siding wont go up until next week. I did get the door hardware all ordered today, and the updated electrical plans to the low-voltage guy.

Not bad for a couple day's work. Onward and upward.

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