Thursday, June 25, 2009

Nearly There

It feels like our saga is coming near to a close. The back stairs were finished today. It just needs a dress-up along the edge, but that will probably be next week. The landscapers were working away on
getting the yard raked out and sculpted. The plumbing and electrical inspections went well, and the final occupancy was given a "conditional" approval. At least that means we can move our stuff
in... Samuel and I spent the evening cleaning out the garage, and Stephanie spent the entire day shuttling things from our current domicile. Looks like we'll be moving forward on getting the yard in
over the next week, and finish off the things necessary to get our final occupancy permit.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Final Stairs

Sorry for the hiatus. It's not as if nothing has been going on, it's just that I've been over at the house late each night getting things in order. The house is now "clean". Meaning our cleaning crew has given it a nice once over. There's still much to be done with the outside windows etc., but that will wait until the yard is better done. The plumbers are nearly finished, with just a few bits left to do. The stucco work is finishing up soon too. Our carpenter has nearly finished the stairs, and we're awaiting some of the final touches to be finished so we can get the final inspections done. I installed the microwave and trim kit tonight, which is also pictured below. It's getting really close!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

A Good Couple o' Days

While the boys and I were out on a Father and Son campout, much good was done at the home. We're now down to the final little plumbing jobs, and the electricians are just waiting on the remainder of the fixtures. The shower rods were placed (all but one). Our cleaner worked hard, and got the upper floor totally done, and will began the windows on the main floor today. Our A/V guy came last night and got some of the family room speakers hooked up, Monday will be the show night. The driveway was poured in full yesterday, and is hardening up today/tomorrow before we take anything on it. The landscapers were hard at work today getting the back of the house leveled out. Our stucco guy got most of the NE exposure of the foundation and retaining walls covered. Our cultured marble guy got the soap dishes placed. Yesterday and today the finish carpenter got all the doors and hardware installed. Now it's just the deck stairs that need to be placed. Looking around the top floor today you would have wondered why were not moved in yet... ah well, not too long now!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Hearths, Odds & Ends

Looks like all but one of the hearths are now ready for the flame. The dividers in the driveway were poured despite the rain, and the area for the front sidewalks were excavated. The painters continued their touch-up work, and unveiled the stained railings on the back staircase. They also did a nice job painting the master closet. Our stucco guy covered the east end of the back of the house. The finish carpenter installed various doors on the main level. And last but not least our A/V guy now has everything hooked up and finish plates in place throughout the house.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Inching Closer to the Finish

It feels like less than a sprint to the finish than a slow toe dragging shuffle. Today's progress was hampered again by rain (that for Idaho standards) is downright unseasonal. We trust that Providence knows what the best timetable is. In the back our stucco guy setup to start. The driveway was compacted and made doubly ready for the driveway to be poured. Inside the painters did a wonderful job getting things wrapped up. The railing was refinished, and you can't tell it had to be patched. The carpet layers finally finished out their work as well, with the runner on the stairs turning out quite distinguished (lovely - in Stephanie's words). Our A/V guy was hard at work again this evening getting the ethernet lines working. Here's to hoping the plumbers will show tomorrow along with our finish carpenter and our cleaning crew!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Entry Walk and Stairs

The concrete crew got the entry walk in, and the forms off the back patio. The driveway needs some help, but hopefully that'll be taken care of tomorrow. The electricians worked on some odds and ends
around the house. The painters finished up the doors, and got some more cleanup accomplished. We're soliciting a cleaning crew and thinking about getting some movers to get our things out of storage. The carpet guys showed up this evening but didn't quite finish up. The stairs do look nice. Now we need to get our plumbers on the job and the rest of the doors hung and hardware placed...

Monday, June 15, 2009

Vents, Concrete, & Lights

Hallelujah! A day of little rain that allowed for concrete to be poured. This really was an answer to prayer. Now we can get the back stairs in and getting the permitting process on track. Inside we had the HVAC crew get vents in place. The electricians installed the housings around the breaker boxes. They also hooked up the ovens, and the lighting in the cold storage. There's even a fan in place now. The painters were working on the repeat final coat on doors downstairs, and getting some of the touch-up done elsewhere. Hopefully tomorrow will bring the carpet laying to a close.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

A/V & Other Things

This post accounts for today, and the day prior. Our A/V guy and I confirmed last night that the whole house audio is in order and sounding swell. Friday saw lots of little things being taken care of by the plumbers and electricians, culminating in the placement of the cooktop and the hood fan. Our finish carpenter has been working away placing doorknobs and hardware on the upper level. Two of the mirrors were placed. Dad/Grandpa H. and I spent the afternoon looking for and choosing a junked tractor tire rim for our firepit. Our carpet guys got almost all of the main carpeting done, but then stalled on the stairs. The hardwood guy joined in the discussion to figure out how best to accommodate the runner, but little actual work got done. Saturday our appliances were brought in the home and placed. The cultured marble folks are nearly finished, and just have some caulking to do. We met with the folks who are doing the blinds, and hope to get them in soon too. We're hoping for some more activity tonight with the finishing of the hardwood floors...